Thursday, January 17, 2008


WOW! No! I really mean WOW! I cannot tell you how fabulous this weekend was - but of course most of you were there and already know. My mind was and is still in total overdrive. I wake up thinking "I WILL RUN - I WILL RUN - I WILL RUN" and I go to sleep thinking "I WILL RUN - I WILL RUN - I WILL RUN". My heart is free and all the junk is gone.
For the first time in my life I feel like I am no longer on the outside looking in, I feel like I belong, truly belong. The last thread of legalism has been broken, the last of the past hurts are gone and I am not ashamed to hold my head up and look you in the eyes. I am no longer defeated but a victor, no longer a shadow of who I really am, and most importantly I am no longer afraid to be who I am created to be. My destiny is clearer today that it has ever been and I am no long afraid to step out into it.
While in Heaven my passion for God, my family, my church and for life was returned. I walked and talked with God. I mean I really talked to God and He talked to me. I asked so many questions and He responded to each. One of the questions I asked was "If a gift He bestowed on me and I refused could be returned to me?" He simply smiled and said yes. And that's exactly He did. When I went to sleep that night I had a prophetic dream, the first one I have had since I asked Him to take that gift away. He totally restored my gift of prophetic dreams. I asked for the strength to rebuke condemnation that is thrown at me - and He did. And I asked Him to take away my fear of being criticized just to name a few.
While talking with God on my way to work this morning He told me to put some of my pictures on my blog today! (OMG! I had to move my bracelet to the other arm!) My first response was people won't like them. It was amazing how fast Satan showed up just to put the fear of criticism in me. Well, I have struggled with this all day - and I finally realize how crazy it is. So, take this you deceiver - my fear of being criticized ends here because He is all I want and He is all I crave and yes "I WILL RUN - I WILL RUN - I WILL RUN"!
With each picture I post I feel that fear slipping away. How wonderful it feels to not worry about what someone thinks about you or your work (passion). Thank you God for such freedom!

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